Three main mistakes that prevent you from learning German
You live in Germany for years and you already started to learn German, maybe more than one time, but for several reasons you stopped before you got familiar in the language use. In this article I’ll tell you the three main learning mistakes, so that you can choose not to make it and to start a learning progress, that let you quickly feel comfortable in German conversation.
Mistake Nr. 1: The "Someday-mistake"

„Someday“ makes a big difference. Do you think: „Someday I want to talk German“ or do you think: „I want to talk German.“ So many persons don’t start, because they think, they will do it in future. But future can be next week, next month, next year and this is why they find so many excuses to start later, that they never will.
By making the decision to communicate in German, it helps to put yourself a date. This might be, that you will have daily conversation in German until your next summer holiday. This might be, to start a program next month or this might be the first day at school of your child, when you want to speak to the teacher in German.
Mistake Nr. 2: The "I-do-it-all-at-once-mistake"
When we really want to do something, the motivation is high at the beginning. And this is a good thing! It helps to reach your goals, especially when you see improvements. But often motivation lows down when it becomes tricky and people tend to think, when they worked hard, they can calm down. Therefore we need a plan for our learning progress and do smart learning. 2 times a day 15 minutes is smart. Once a week two hours, is not. Be smart and plan your learning schedule. For example with doing your vocabulary app while waiting for the bus and your exercises after dinner. And don't forget to speak German! In the supermarket, making an appointment for hairdressing or asking your neighbor, how he/she is.

Mistake Nr. 3: The "I-do-it-on-my-own-mistake"
You can communicate in German by your own? Yes, of course! Go ahead! But did you know, that even the Latin word „communicare“ contains at least two partners sharing something? And although etymology is not an evidence, it is interesting, that the origin of communication means „to make something together“, so that you’ll feel quite lonely. Yes, you can try learning on your own, for example by using apps, by buying a book, watching television a lot, or listening to the radio. But it will be so much faster, when you have somebody, who supports you and to talk regularly.
Did you choose to speak German seriously, because you want to know, what’s going on around you? So put yourself a starting date. Start and make a plan, which fits in your schedule and last but not least: Look for somebody, who can help you.
If you look for a flexible online program, which improves your communication skills fast, then „Sprachatelier-Deutsch – Learning daily conversation in 12 weeks“ might be interesting for you. You can register for newsletter, so you don’t miss the next start.
All the best for your start!
Yours, Stefanie